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Roofing and Building Envelope Solutions for Schools
When it comes to ensuring the well-being of students and staff, Tremco Roofing & Building Maintenance understands the importance of high-performance roofs and building envelopes. A long-time trusted provider to school districts, private and charter schools, colleges and universities across the United States and Canada, we offer a comprehensive portfolio of roofing and building envelope solutions to match the unique challenges of the educational environment.
In addition to our extensive line of roofing and building envelope solutions, our focus on restoration and continuous enhancements to our product line reflects Tremco Roofing’s historical commitment to sustainability. Download our roof restoration for K-12 schools brochure or higher education brochure to learn more.
Our products and services are designed to meet challenging budget constraints while protecting your roofing assets, extend the performance life of your roofing systems for as long as possible, and help you plan for long-term needs while addressing your most urgent roofing problems today.
Further, because our affiliated construction services company WTI offers comprehensive maintenance, repair, roof management, and general contracting services for the entire building envelope, Tremco Roofing’s total solutions approach to problem-solving maximizes building performance and return on investment (ROI).